Friday, November 19, 2010

Halloween '10

Festive neighbourhood
  So this year Halloween was on a Sunday. It was nice to be able to hang out with the boys and then hit the town in the evening.
As a yearly tradion, we went over to the Foxes for trick or treating. McKenzie and Elijah went as what players. Daivon was a mix of a clown with a pillow case. No picks since he went with his friends.
Zach and Kylie we cute as usual. Kylie was a ladybug, Erika was too. Rob and Zac were skeltons.
There is a haunted house and food bank drive down the street. Every year they manage to help the local food banks. This year this pumpkin will be sold to the highest bidder and the money donated. I love it here!

Someone grew this...

Caught in the act
 I have come to realize that so many kids rely on their parents to drive them around from house to house. What is wrong with these people? I loved running door to door, these kids have parents drive them. No wonder our environment is toxic.

Kylie, Zac, and Rob
 After a few hours, Elijah ended up on Mathews back. He was done. Bit ate most of his candy before we even got home. Oh well, no more candy till next year. I wonder what D will do at 14.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The last of the summer harvest

Carrots- 30 lbs

The last of the corn. I must say pleased at the sweetness!
 So, on Saturday, Elijah and I went to the garden to pull up the last of our veggies. To my surprise the potato people were there. There crop didn't produce alot of spuds. There is always next year. To our surprise, the carrots were cramped and begging for room to grow. To late out they go. I like these little carrots. The kids enjoy them for a snack. The corn was the most exciting crop I had grown. Not bad for my first time. I have come to realize that the most important this I have learned is hard work and tending the earth. We will always have food if we work hard. And its natural not processed. Even better.
Snap beans

I am not fond of these beans but D loves them. So we grew some and I hope he eats them. The tomatoes this year did not get enough sunshine and thus the crop was small. I have about a 100 or so green tomatoes and not a bunch of sun. Sorry mom I will try again next year. There are cucumbers still growing and lettuce. I have to go out there and get the soil ready for fall. I was planning on planting some cool weather crops but will wait until spring. Lettuce, peas, greens, and cabbage will go in along with spuds. By there harvest time it will be time for the summer crops. I am defiantly getting another plot next year. I love gardening.
Well off to get my shorty. Enjoy

Mum's yellow tomato's

Elijah on the first day of fall- 75F

What's left

Gotcha Mom!!

Lets go!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Elijah is what.......

Cute huh!
So this past Saturday, it has been 3 weeks since my littlest one re broke his femur. You know time flies once the immediate crisis has ended. I took him to PT/OT yesterday @Children's Hospital and counld not believe the news.
Are you sitting down....
Three weeks on crutches and he is done. Back to his running jumpin self. How is that possible? Power of prayer. The crazy thing is that he wants to play in the last football game of the season. I can't believe it. After all that drama my little one is ready for more. Be still my beating heart. I am not ready for this. Would I be a bad mum if I said no. Would he blame me for stopping his football season? I ponder these questions. However, the voice of God says that he is with him let him go. So in faith, I will let my baby go.

Oh my gosh, I sound like my mom. My baby.
Yubby Shorty.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Elijah is home

Elijah and Donovan at the playroom
What an amazing journey the past three days have been. Elijah is quite the trooper. To our great surprise, Sunday was packed with visitors. Noah came early in the afternoon to check on his team mate. Then his buddy Donovan came and lifted Elijah's spirits. They went to the playroom and played basketball with the football Donovan brought. After a while, the boys went outside to shoot hoops. Tara and I were extra cautious. Please don't hit the leg. With all the excitement, Elijah was worn out. Around 7, here comes Joey and his dad. Since Elijah couldn't get out of the bed, Joey hopped in. They played and laughed. I am so please he has amazing friends. After Joey left, Elijah was exhausted. I finally got some sleep.

The picture below shows the new plate and pins that my bionic son has. The tumor grew back a tad bit bigger. The doctor's were able to use bone grown in the labs, less chance of rejection, and sealed it with a plate that is up to Elijah if and when he gets them out. I am putting Elijah to bed. After the fight of medine.... sleep we need sleep. Thank you for the prayers and encouragement. I am truly blessed. Goodnight.
Joey and Elijah....Hanging in the room

New hardware

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're Back.... at Children's

So I have no photos to post right now but the news is good. Elijah is doing much better than I had expected. I think he is still under a bit of sedation. PT will be coming in today to insure that he is up and moving about. I am going to have him take some pictures.
Emotionally, I could not have been in a better place. The support via emails and voice mails have helped me get thru an very difficult time. Both of McKenzie's and Elijah's football teams have been superb. From moms offering to cook to taking the other boys, for the first time in my life....I don't feel alone.

I shall post more later. Thank you for the prayers. Elijah has been on a ask about God path. I had to come upstairs to was clothes and asked if he would be okay. "Yup. God and you are in my heart. By mom!"
Ta for now.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday Jamboree

Bears Defense
 After 16 hours of practices the day has come to officially start off the 2010 Football Season. Mercer Island High School hosted the event. I was there at 10:15 am. Players have to arrive 1 hour and a half before game time. Great. I was in for a long day.
Mind you this is my second year and I still have got much to learn about this sport. I will still take hockey any day.
So, a jamboree consist of half field play with teams playing both offense and defense. Bit took the field first. The other team scored and that was all it took. The bears refused to give up anymore points and did a hell of a job blocking and protecting the end zone. As a matter of fact, that would be the only point scored on the sophomores bears. Way to go. I was screaming and cheering. These boys may just do some great things this season.
No pics please!

Great job
 As time went on, Mathew arrived with Elijah. Yes back to back sessions my bum was tired of sitting on those bleachers. I still had another 4 hours to go. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get pictures of the little Rookies. They were posted up on the other side of the field.
By 3 o'clock I had had it. I told Elijah I was proud of him and went home. It was nice that Matt took the boys and went for ice cream so I could come home and rest. Elijah's team scored a touchdown. Yet it was clear that they looked confused out there.  No worries two weeks until the 1st game counts.

The 29th McKenzie and his team are having another jamboree at Husky Stadium located at UW. How exciting. Is the season over yet?
Turtle lips @Jamboree

Football Season has begun

Elijah at practice
 So football season has officially started and having two boys play the same sport has defiantly added some major stress. This is McKenzie's second year and of course, the coaches cannot believe how tall he is and his baby fat has gone. Well when your 10 and 5'5" what do they expect.
Stop taking pictures mom!

McKenzie to the left of 94.
 McKenzie has shown a great deal of focus thus far. I hope it continues. I am so happy that most of his team mates from last year have returned. The jamboree should be fun.

I am still very hesitant about Elijah and his leg playing but as I am reminded by Mathew and Elijah.... Let it go mom. I will be fine.
I guess baby's do grow up.
Hustle up!

He is so tiny......

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lil Bit has returned

OMG! I forgot how nice it was to have so much energy with McKenzie home. It is a good yet ever so exhausting. Saturday, the boys and I went to pick him up from camp. My dad let me take his hummer and when we got there, this kids shouted.... That's my ride!" Yep that was Bit. After a while, we gathered him from his cabin and you would not believe how much he grew. I swear he is like two inches talker and about 10 pound skinner.
The camp counselors love having him. A few of the girls were saying bye to him and smiling. Really older woman. I am in more trouble than I realize. Camp made up this new thing for flirting called smopping. I told McKenzie that he's gonna go to middle school and be like "Hey baby, what's your name" The grin from ear to ear was priceless. He is growing to be a handsome young man.
A few of the camps permanent workers have expressed for a third year in a row that McKenzie would make an amazing camp counselor. Bit is interested as well. They have these leadership programs that he can start when he is 12 and eventually become a resident and have a job. I think that McKenzie is truly in his element outside. I just hope that I am raising him to the way that he needs to go.

Well gotta go. I will post some pics and the lovely letter I received from the camp counselors late.

Love you bit!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life is just as.....

So just a fast update since I have a few minutes alone. Many challenges have been hitting us hard. It is strange that when things are going good trouble strikes. The beginning of this week was met with extreme fatigue. Work is really stressful and the accountant is stupid. There are boundaries that are being crossed in every direction.
Being the second day of the work week I am ready for the weekend. I am so glad that I will be going to pick up McKenzie on Saturday and then we will be staying at my dad's. Lots of packing and cleaning. Well gotta go. Write later.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Garden pics

 Elijah is pulling weeds.

So these are our most recent pics from the garden. The boys seem to get more and more excited as the fruits of our labour bloom.
Our peppers are showing signs of life.
The peas have done extremely well. They are taller than Elijah and he is quite taken by that. McKenzie just comes to garden to climb the apple trees that are in the orchard. The weather has been nice and the earth is dry. Thank God for water.
Lettuce and carrots
 We have planted seeds straight from their pouches to see how well they do. Carrots and lettuce are sprouting. I look at the other gardens and they have carrots that are almost done. Oh well its our first year. I often wonder if next year I should get two plots.

Corn and spuds


Corn should be here soon!

If there is nothing more rewarding, its finding that the corn is growing. We purchased a hybrid type of corn that should harvest in 54-60 days. I pray that we have enough sun to harvest some. I am just hoping for one nice ear. I have thought about what to plant next year and when to start. The downfall.... the Pacific Northwest has a summer of July to August. So I should plan accordingly. Well Enjoy the pics. Oh by the way, its 9 to 9 and the temp is already 77. Stay cool.

Oma's tomato's

Strawberries are struggling. To many birds!

Elijah's cantaloupe

Elijah's cucumbers

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot update

Well it is shortly after 7 pm and the temp outside is a staggering 92F. Are you serious. Overnight lows 65 but not until sometime after midnight. One more day of the extreme heat then we get back to the upper 70's low 80's.

The fans are putting in overtime and the a/c is going strong. The kids are doing okay. Lazy dog days of summer has hit them. My mom is melting but Manny and Lota have seem to keep her afloat. With ice cream, ice bags, and fans I have been hearing from her via email. That's good.

Later after dinner, we will soak the pea patch with water. I will post updated pics.

Till tomorrow,
Boiling in Bellevue

July heat hits the Eastside hard

Good Morning. It is 10:21 a.m and the temp outside is a whopping 82F. The high today is expected to hit the mid 90's. We have had a heat advisory at 6:30 a.m. At that time the temp was 72F. Lots of people are outside with their kiddos playing at the lake and the water parks. Not us. We have fans with ice and the ac going. Thanks mom.

Yesterday it was 87 and I took my mom a hot fudge sundae. With no kids around, I was able to drop in and cool her off. To bad her room faces the setting sun...the west.

I am amazed at how much information I have recalled when the heat hits. Between my mom, grandma and my aunt and uncle, the morning and evening prep starts. From salads, ice tea, water, sandwiches and tons of ice, the boys are learning how to survive a heat wave. I have often wondered if I have prepared them enough if there were ever a power outage during the heat. Only time will tell.
In much of the Midwest and the east, they are experiencing the heat with showers... lighting storms are hitting them for the next few days. I often complain about living here in the great northwest until I see other states and realize just how lucky we are.

I will keep you updated on the weather later on tonight. Off to conserve energy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day

Happy  Canada  Day

Today I went to hang out with my Oma. I was wearing a nice Canadian Hat, kind of like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland,jeans, and a Canadians Hockey shirt. Red of course. For supper we had KFC and D made a white cake with Red sprinkles. Mom said next year, we should go to Calgary. I think that will be nice.

Have a safe day and enjoy time with your family. I will be back on the 4th of July.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Elijah's Summer Adventure Part 1

Hi! My name is Elijah and I want to talk to you about school. At the beginning of the school year August, until February, I wasn't paying attention. Instead of paying attention, I was distracted by my friends and I started playing with them. I attend a Spanish Immersion program where I learn to speak in Spanish. All of my subjects are taught in this language. Towards the end of the year, I started paying. My mom, my dad Mathew and my teacher had to meet with the principle to talk about my progress. I was sad. I really love my school. So, I get to work on my summer reading and math packets with my Oma.

This summer, I will be blogging about my summer adventures with my Oma Everyday.

Stay tuned. Please comment.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pea patch in bloom

Weeding in the Pea patch, look at my potato's

First of the strawberries. Yummy

Dai's garden project

Pea patch before

So, I thought that I would update you on the garden. The pic of McKenzie shows you what the garden looked like before. It is amazing to see how wonderful God has created the world. I am often amazed that the choices that were made oh so long ago, still hold today. The other day when we were there, D said why do we have to work the soil, I explained to him that man was cursed to toil the soil all the days of his life. Everything that we need has come from the ground. He looked and me and smiled. Yes D even your i-pod.
The boys are excited to see things growing and even more excited to find out that we can enjoy the fruits of our labor.....really. The corn has a strong start and the peas have been nibbled on by rabbits. I have a fence but have yet to put it up.
MY potatoes have started to bloom with white flowers, underground spuds are growing. We sound have blueberries next summer and we are trying to grow carrots. The boys have these tricoloured green beans. I hate green beans. I remember being at 100 mile house with my aunt and uncle. They had a green house with those beans. I ate enough to last a few life times.I am so glad to have learned gardening with my aunt and uncle. Love you guys.

Working with Mum

Metal soccer guys aka Futbol

Jumping off the lad

The super blue side

A rope basket

Elijah had to go to work with me last Saturday. My job location Grass Lawn Park in Redmond. Working for the US Census has provin to be a wonderful, stressful experience. So, I am a crew lead assistant, basically, I meet with the crew and go over paperwork. The government loves paperwork. McKenzie and D went to work with mathew so it was just E and me. I took some pics on that glorious sunny day. Enjoy

My little chef

Elijah in the kitchen cooking Wagon Wheels

My very own scrabbled eggs with cheese.

So many people that know the boys, may know that D is the one who loves to cook. The flip side to that is, I think that he loves the end product.
Elijah has taken to the kitchen like it is a natural gift. Since his physical activities have been cut due to the leg, he has shown interest. The YMCA has cooking classes for kids. Elijah went in April and learned to make wagon wheels. So simple yet Divine. For the last few weeks, Elijah has decided to plan meals and cook them for dinner. He said the least he can do is help mom and Matt since we have been putting in very long hours with work. He is my miracle child. Who would of thought that a child that was so early would have it together at such a young age. I almost want another one....ALMOST.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Update for Elijah

This morning Elijah and I went to Children's Hospital in Seattle and met with the orthopedic surgeon team. Dr. Song said that the tumor in his leg is growing and the risks outweigh the benefits of doing surgery right now. Since the tumor is slowly growing, the procedure to fix it is to put rods in his leg. Well he has that. The donor graph took but only 10%. To repeat again, the likelihood of it actually taking is 20% so we wait. Elijah can return to gymnastics in the fall. So all in all this is good news. The rods will stay and of course and reevaluate in December. Two years later. I am blessed for medical coverage for him because I say the hospital bill from December 2008 and it was almost 2 million dollars. Thank you God.

I have mixed feelings about the waiting processes but I will trust the Dr's that God has placed in our lives. After all, Dr. Song is on the research team and is the best in the Northwest.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Roses for Oma
Black and White of roses

So my mothers day was uneventful. I ended up purchasing my own presents. For some strange reason, Mathew has a hair up his hindquarters. Nonetheless, I bought the new Samsung TL205 with a LCD screen for taking photos of self and others. Its groovy. I also got a blue 5th generation I-pod with blue headphones and a blue speaker set. I love it., Daivon has orange and Elijah wants green. Bit is liking red but I have yet to see one.
Daivon bought these flowers for his Oma and my oh my did they smell heavenly. It was as if the angels themselves picked them. I took the picture with my camera and you know what, you can change the pictures and the original will stay. I am still learning how to use this but for now, I am pleased. I do believe that as I discover the full potential of this fun contraption, I will grow in excitement.

I just want to say to my mom..... Everything that I am and hope to be has been inspired by you.

Happy Mothers Day