Monday, January 4, 2010

Look at this picture.... Amazing. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Can you hear them?

I can't imagine being inside this world. But as I think about it, there are so many of use that are stuck inside their heads, or situations.

I find myself in this situation as I type. My mind is spinning, my soul is stirring, and I am trying to pull it together.

This journey thus far has left me feeling like a prisoner not only within the fight of McKenzie's Autism, to my treatment that shall be ending in......36 weeks. YEAH!!! However, it is just strange how we as the human race can fall victim to our situations, environments, and worse our mind. There are times where all hope is lost and we fall back to faith. I have to remember that all we have in the end is faith. Faith to make it through the day, hour, minutes, and seconds. Faith to find answers where there are none.

This picture reminds me to stop and really look at children, teenagers and adults. So many things have us trapped inside our minds but those professionals we call doctors are just practicing medicine. They only know things by experience. They don't trust faith.
One day for sure we will be free from this head and Autism will no longer hold us prisioner. We will break the life sentence.

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