Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finally..... Bonnie found a home

Well, this wekkend went off with the same major hitches as expected. I got my mom moved and had a fever of 101.2. Stupid medication that causes really bad side effects, made the whole day supper stressful for me. My mom was just happy to leave one Adult Family Home for another. I am actually glad that Patrice, the owner, has been fighting with us to get my mom placed into her home. The first day there, my mom was saying all day that she got her faced washed twice and her teeth brushed. Simple pleasures that many of us take for granted.
On the flip side to all of this, I have noticed that many of these places still forget that there are those patients that are able to direct their own care and make decisions about meds, food etc. Just because I am her daughter and POA, I got stuck with a million and one questions. I mean honestly, last time I check my mother was still able to speak for herself. What a strange situation for the both of us.
She has Internet that doesn't cut out every five minutes and an added bonus.... she has her phone hooked up so now she can all all her friends. This is a good thing.... maybe I will get a bit of a break from the constant nagging of I want to phone my friends. I have noticed that my mother is a geek that needs to stimulated mentally and emotionally. I was amazed to see two care givers on staff during the day, and the home had chatter and laughter. Something my mom, the social butterfly craves. I hope that this home will work for a long time cuz I am tired of moving her about.
Well, once again, I am off, children to get to school, work, and who knows what else people will throw my way.

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