Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A little bit of constant confusion

Last night I started to explore the possibilities of returning to school. I was amazed that Canadian kids get money for school no questions asked. I have wanted to attend SFU (Simon Fraser) ever since I could remember. That would mean moving my family back home. Then my mom would complain because I left her here and she wanted to move home. I guess that for the most part, I am going to stay in the US and continue to find schools since I really don't want to move Elijah out Immersion, or loose Daivon's babysitter Drew. McKenzie doesn't care either way but then he may have to change football for hockey. I don't think that Bit would care either way.

Well, I am at peace for now. My mom hardly emails me or call me even though she has a phone. I don't understand at times why at times she is so unhappy. I couldn't imagine going through the loss that she has over the years but it just seems as if she feels that she is the only one.

Responsibility sucks. My plate runneth over. Kids, house, two disabled parents, bills, trying to find a good job, go back to school. Not to mention finding time to develop my relation with God.

I have lost seven pounds within a month. I found a workout partner, thanks Jennifer, we will be doing some Pilate's..... just thinking about makes my abs hurt. But on the other side of things, my treatment may not be working fast enough. Dr. said we will examine the benefits again in 8 weeks.

Anyone have any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Pray & take it day by day. (hour by hour if you have to)
    sounds like crap, but it works.

    Love you!
